46.2-1161.1 - Inspections of trailers and semitrailers equipped with heating or cooking appliances.
§ 46.2-1161.1. Inspections of trailers and semitrailers equipped with heatingor cooking appliances.
If any trailer or semitrailer subject to the periodic safety inspectionsrequired by this article is equipped with a heating or cooking appliance, thesafety inspection of such trailer or semitrailer shall include a visualinspection of the venting of such cooking or heating appliance to the outsideof the trailer or semitrailer. No safety inspection approval sticker shallbe issued to any such trailer or semitrailer unless any such heating orcooking appliance is adequately vented to prevent the asphyxiation ofoccupants of any such trailer or semitrailer by the operation of the heatingor cooking appliance.
(1991, c. 169.)