46.2-1097 - Child restraint devices; special fund created.

§ 46.2-1097. Child restraint devices; special fund created.

The Department of Health shall operate a program to promote, purchase, anddistribute child restraint devices to applicants who need a child restraintdevice but are unable to acquire one because of financial inability. Aspecial fund, known as the Child Restraint Device Special Fund, shall fundthe program. The Department of Health shall determine the number of childrestraint devices that can be purchased by the program, based upon the amountof funds in the Child Restraint Device Special Fund, provided, however, thatthe requirements of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.)shall not apply to child restraint device purchases by the Department ofHealth pursuant to this section. The Child Restraint Device Special Fundshall consist of all civil penalties that are collected pursuant to §46.2-1098 and other funds that may be appropriated for that purpose.

(1982, c. 634, § 46.1-314.4; 1984, c. 778; 1986, c. 283; 1989, c. 727; 1996,c. 145.)