46.2-1092 - Safety lap belts or a combination of lap belts and shoulder harnesses to be installed in certain motor vehicles.
§ 46.2-1092. Safety lap belts or a combination of lap belts and shoulderharnesses to be installed in certain motor vehicles.
No passenger car registered in the Commonwealth and manufactured for the year1963 or for subsequent years shall be operated on the highways in theCommonwealth unless the front seats thereof are equipped with adult safetylap belts or a combination of lap belts and shoulder harnesses of typesapproved by the Superintendent.
Failure to use the safety lap belts or a combination of lap belts andshoulder harnesses after installation shall not be deemed to be negligence.Nor shall evidence of such nonuse of such devices be considered in mitigationof damages of whatever nature.
No motor vehicle registered in the Commonwealth and manufactured afterJanuary 1, 1968, shall be issued a safety inspection approval sticker if anylap belt, combination of lap belt and shoulder harness, or passive beltsystems required to be installed at the time of manufacture by the federalDepartment of Transportation have been either removed from the motor vehicleor rendered inoperable.
No passenger car, except convertibles, registered in the Commonwealth andmanufactured on or after September 1, 1990, shall be operated on the highwaysin the Commonwealth unless the forward-facing rear outboard seats thereof areequipped with rear seat lap/shoulder belts of types required to be installedat the time of manufacture by the federal Department of Transportation.
No passenger car, including convertibles, registered in the Commonwealth andmanufactured on or after September 1, 1991, shall be operated on the highwaysin the Commonwealth unless the forward-facing rear outboard seats thereof areequipped with rear seat lap/shoulder belts of types required to be installedat the time of manufacture by the federal Department of Transportation.
No truck, multi-purpose vehicle, or bus, except school buses and motor homes,with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less, registered inthe Commonwealth and manufactured on or after September 1, 1991, shall beoperated on the highways in the Commonwealth unless the forward-facing rearoutboard seats thereof are equipped with rear seat lap/shoulder belts oftypes required to be installed at the time of manufacture by the federalDepartment of Transportation.
Passenger cars, trucks, multipurpose vehicles, and buses, except school busesand motor homes, registered in the Commonwealth and manufactured on or afterSeptember 1, 1992, shall not be operated on the highways of the Commonwealthunless equipped with rear seat lap/shoulder belts of types required to beinstalled at the time of manufacture by the federal Department ofTransportation for each forward-facing rear outboard seating position on areadily removable seat.
For the purposes of this section, forward-facing rear outboard seats aredefined as those designated seating positions for passengers in outside frontfacing seats behind the driver and front passenger seats, except anydesignated seating position adjacent to a walkway that is located between theseat and the near side of the vehicle and is designed to allow access to amore rearward seating position.
The Superintendent of State Police shall include in the Official MotorVehicle Inspection Regulations a section which identifies each classificationof motor vehicle required to be equipped with any of the devices described inthe foregoing provisions of this section.
Such regulations shall also include a listing of the exact devices which arerequired to be installed in each motor vehicle classification and the modelyear of each motor vehicle classification on which the standards of thefederal Department of Transportation first became applicable.
(1962, c. 357, § 46.1-309.1; 1964, c. 334; 1966, c. 37; 1968, c. 171; 1970,c. 19; 1980, c. 486; 1982, c. 434; 1989, c. 727; 1992, c. 553.)