46.2-1088.1 - Hood scoops.
§ 46.2-1088.1. Hood scoops.
No motor vehicle shall be operated on a public highway in the Commonwealth ifany hood scoop installed thereon exceeds any of the following dimensions:
1. For any hood scoop installed on any motor vehicle manufactured for the1990 or earlier model year: thirty-eight inches wide at its widest point,two and one-quarter inches high at its highest point measured from thejunction of the dashboard and the windshield, and fifty-two and one-quarterinches long at its longest point.
2. For any hood scoop installed on any motor vehicle manufactured for the1991 or subsequent model year: thirty-eight inches wide at its widest point,one and one-eighth inches high at its highest point measured from thejunction of the dashboard and the windshield, and fifty and one-half incheslong at its longest point.
(1991, c. 494.)