46.2-1054 - Suspension of objects or alteration of vehicle so as to obstruct driver's view.

§ 46.2-1054. Suspension of objects or alteration of vehicle so as to obstructdriver's view.

It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a motor vehicle on a highway inthe Commonwealth with any object or objects, other than a rear view mirror,sun visor, or other equipment of the motor vehicle approved by theSuperintendent, suspended from any part of the motor vehicle in such a manneras to obstruct the driver's clear view of the highway through the windshield,the front side windows, or the rear window, or to alter a passenger-carryingvehicle in such a manner as to obstruct the driver's view through thewindshield. However, this section shall not apply (i) when the driver's clearview of the highway through the rear window is obstructed if such motorvehicle is equipped with a mirror on each side, so located as to reflect tothe driver a view of the highway for at least 200 feet to the rear of suchvehicle, (ii) to safety devices installed on the windshields of vehiclesowned by private waste haulers or local governments and used to transportsolid waste, or (iii) to bicycle racks installed on the front of any busoperated by any city, county, transit authority, or transit or transportationdistrict.

(1960, c. 122, § 46.1-291.1; 1972, cc. 8, 844; 1987, c. 135; 1989, c. 727;2003, c. 273.)