46.2-105.2 - Obtaining documents from the Department when not entitled thereto; penalty.
§ 46.2-105.2. Obtaining documents from the Department when not entitledthereto; penalty.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to obtain a Virginia driver's license,special identification card, vehicle registration, certificate of title, orother document issued by the Department if such person has not satisfied alllegal and procedural requirements for the issuance thereof, or is otherwisenot legally entitled thereto, including obtaining any document issued by theDepartment through the use of counterfeit, forged, or altered documents.
B. It shall be unlawful to aid any person to obtain any driver's license,special identification card, vehicle registration, certificate of title, orother document in violation of the provisions of subsection A.
C. It shall be unlawful to knowingly possess or use for any purpose anydriver's license, special identification card, vehicle registration,certificate of title, or other document obtained in violation of theprovisions of subsection A.
D. A violation of any provision of this section shall constitute a Class 2misdemeanor if a person is charged and convicted of a violation of thissection that involved the unlawful obtaining or possession of any documentissued by the Department for the purpose of engaging in any age-limitedactivity, including but not limited to obtaining, possessing, or consumingalcoholic beverages. However, if a person is charged and convicted of anyother violation of this section, such offense shall constitute a Class 6felony.
E. Whenever it appears to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that anydriver's license, special identification card, vehicle registration,certificate of title, or other document issued by the Department has beenobtained in violation of this section, it may be cancelled by theCommissioner, who shall mail notice of the cancellation to the address ofrecord maintained by the Department.
(1992, c. 99; 2002, cc. 767, 834; 2003, cc. 817, 819.)