45.1-161.292:6 - Prohibited acts by miners or other persons; miners to comply with law
§ 45.1-161.292:6. Prohibited acts by miners or other persons; miners tocomply with law.
A. No miner or other person shall (i) knowingly damage any shaft, lamp,instrument, air course, or brattice or obstruct airways; (ii) carry in a mineany intoxicating liquors or controlled drugs without the prescription of alicensed physician; (iii) disturb any part of the machinery or appliances ina mine; (iv) open a door used for directing ventilation and fail to close itagain; (v) enter any part of a mine against caution; or (vi) disobey anyorder issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and Chapters 14.5 (§45.1-161.293 et seq.) and 14.6 (§ 45.1-161.304 et seq.).
B. Each miner at any mine shall comply fully with the provisions of thischapter and Chapters 14.5 (§ 45.1-161.293 et seq.) and 14.6 (§ 45.1-161.304et seq.) and other mining laws of this Commonwealth that pertain to hisduties.
(1997, c. 390.)