45.1-161.292:37 - Maps of mines required to be made; contents; extension and preservation; use by Department; release...
§ 45.1-161.292:37. Maps of mines required to be made; contents; extension andpreservation; use by Department; release; posting of map.
A. Prior to commencing mining activity, the licensed operator of a mineralmine, or his agent, shall make, or cause to be made, unless already made andfiled, an accurate map of such mine, on a scale to be stated thereon of 100to 400 feet to the inch. Such map shall show the openings or excavations, theshafts, slopes, entries and airways, with darts or arrows showing directionof air currents, headings, rooms, pillars, permanent explosive magazines,permanent fuel storage facilities, and such portions of such mine or mines asmay have been abandoned, and so much of the property lines and the outcrop ofthe mineral of the tract of land on which the mine is located, as may bewithin 1,000 feet of any part of the workings of such mine, and forunderground mines only, the general inclination of the mineral strata. Thelicensed operator shall annually, beginning on the anniversary date of themine permit issued pursuant to Chapter 16 (§ 45.1-180 et seq.), while themine is in operation, cause the map thereof to be extended so as toaccurately show the progress of the workings, and the property lines andoutcrop as described above, and shall forward the same to the Department tobe kept on record, subject to the conditions stated in subsection C. If thereare no changes in the information required by this section, an updated mapshall not be required to be submitted to the Department.
B. The licensed operator of any surface mineral mine, or his agent, shall notbe required to submit a map of such mine to the Department unless the minemay intersect (i) underground workings or (ii) workings from auger, thinseam, or highwall mining operations. The map shall be filed and preservedamong the records of the Department and made available at a reasonable costto all persons owning, leasing, or residing on or having an equitableinterest in surface areas or coal or mineral interests within 1,000 feet ofsuch mining operation upon written proof satisfactory to the Director andupon sworn affidavit that such person requesting a map has a proper legal orequitable interest; however, the Director shall provide to the personrequesting a map only that portion of the map which abuts or is contiguous tothe property in which such requesting party has a legal or equitableinterest. In no case shall any copy of the same be made for any other personwithout the consent of the licensed operator or his agent. The Director shallpromptly deliver notice of such request to the licensed operator of suchmining operation.
C. The original map, or a true copy thereof, shall be kept by such licensedoperator at the active mine, open at all reasonable times for the examinationand use of the mine inspector.
D. Copies of such maps shall be made available at a reasonable cost to thegoverning body of any county, city or town in which the mine is located uponwritten request; however, such copies shall be provided on the condition thatthey not be released to any person who does not have a legal or equitableinterest in surface areas or mineral interests within 1,000 feet of themining operation without the written consent of the licensed operator or hisagent. The governing body shall promptly deliver notice of any request for acopy of such a map to the licensed operator or his agent.
(1997, c. 390; 1998, c. 695.)