45.1-161.292:31 - Fee to accompany application for license; fund; disposition of fees
§ 45.1-161.292:31. Fee to accompany application for license; fund;disposition of fees.
Each application for a mineral mine license or a renewal or transfer of alicense shall be submitted to the Department, accompanied by a fee, payableto the State Treasurer, in the amount of $180. However, any person engaged inmining sand or gravel on an area of five acres or less shall be required topay a fee of $48. All such fees collected shall be retained by theDepartment and paid into the state treasury and shall constitute a fund underthe control of the Director. Expenditures from this fund may be made by theDepartment for safety equipment, safety training, safety education or for anyexpenditure to further the safety program in the mineral mining industry. Allexpenditures from this fund must be approved by the Director.
(1997, c. 390; 2003, cc. 542, 550.)