45.1-161.292:15 - Board of Mineral Mining Examiners
§ 45.1-161.292:15. Board of Mineral Mining Examiners.
A. There is hereby created the Board of Mineral Mining Examiners, which shallconsist of nine members. One member shall be the Director of the Division ofMineral Mining, and eight members shall be appointed by the Governor. Twoappointed members shall be miners with at least five years' of experience insurface mineral mining and who are employed at surface mineral mines in theCommonwealth in a nonmanagerial, nonsupervisory capacity at the time ofappointment. One appointed member shall be a miner with at least five yearsof experience in underground mineral mining and who is employed at anunderground mineral mine in the Commonwealth in a nonmanagerial,nonsupervisory capacity at the time of appointment. One appointed membershall be an employee of an independent contractor who performs work at a minein the Commonwealth and who has at least two years of experience and who isemployed in a nonmanagerial, nonsupervisory capacity at the time ofappointment. Two appointed members shall be individuals with at least fiveyears of experience in the operation of surface mineral mines who are (i)licensed operators of a surface mineral mine, (ii) officers or directors of acorporation operating a surface mineral mine, (iii) general partners in apartnership operating a surface mineral mine, or (iv) employees, in amanagerial or supervisory capacity, of a licensed operator of a surfacemineral mine in the Commonwealth at the time of appointment. One appointedmember shall be an individual with at least five years of experience in theoperation of an underground mineral mine who is (i) a licensed operator of anunderground mineral mine, (ii) an officer or director of a corporationoperating an underground mineral mine, (iii) a general partner in apartnership operating an underground mineral mine, or (iv) an employee, in amanagerial or supervisory capacity, of a licensed operator of an undergroundmineral mine in the Commonwealth at the time of appointment. One appointedmember shall be an individual with at least two years of experience with anindependent contractor performing work at a mine in the Commonwealth and whois (i) an officer or director of a corporation operating as an independentcontractor, (ii) a general partner in a partnership operating as anindependent contractor, or (iii) an employee, in a managerial or supervisorycapacity, of an independent contractor. All appointed members shall beresidents of the Commonwealth.
B. The terms of office of the appointed members of the Board shall be asfollows: one shall be appointed for an initial term of one year; one shall beappointed for an initial term of two years; two shall be appointed for aninitial term of three years; and two shall be appointed for an initial termof four years. Thereafter, the members shall be appointed for terms of fouryears. Vacancies occurring on the Board among appointed members shall befilled by the Governor for the unexpired term.
C. The Director of the Division of Mineral Mining shall serve as chairman ofthe Board.
(1997, c. 390; 1998, c. 695.)