45.1-161.292:13 - Duties of Director
§ 45.1-161.292:13. Duties of Director.
A. The Director shall supervise execution and enforcement of all lawspertaining to the safety and health of persons employed within or at mineralmines within the Commonwealth, and the protection of property used inconnection therewith, and to perform all other duties required pursuant tothis chapter and Chapters 14.5 (§ 45.1-161.293 et seq.) and 14.6 (§45.1-161.304 et seq.).
B. The Director shall keep a record of all inspections of mineral mines madeby him or his authorized representatives. He shall also keep a permanentrecord thereof, properly indexed, which record shall at all times be open toinspection by any citizen of the Commonwealth.
(1997, c. 390.)