43-39 - Distribution of proceeds of sale.
§ 43-39. Distribution of proceeds of sale.
The proceeds of sale shall be applied to the expenses of such sale, includingthe expense of notices, and to the satisfaction of the debt or charges, ifany, with legal interest against such baggage or other personal property. Thesurplus, if any, shall be paid by the hotel to the owner of such baggage orother personal property, upon written application filed with such hotel bythe owner within thirty days after such sale. If no such application is sofiled, then such hotel shall pay over such surplus to the State Treasurer,who shall credit the same to the Literary Fund. Compliance by a hotel withthe provisions of this and the two preceding sections (§§ 43-37, 43-38) shallbe a complete bar and defense to any claim that may thereafter be made byanyone against such hotel on account of such baggage or other personalproperty.
(1940, p. 270; Michie Code 1942, § 6451d.)