42.1-94 - Duties of Librarian of Virginia; agencies to cooperate.
§ 42.1-94. Duties of Librarian of Virginia; agencies to cooperate.
A. The Library of Virginia shall establish and administer the StatePublications Depository Program for the collection and dissemination ofpublications to the libraries designated by The Library of Virginia asdepository libraries, consistent with the rules, regulations, or standardspromulgated by the State Library Board, which shall include guidance indetermining which documents are publications for purposes of the StatePublications Depository Program.
B. Pursuant to § 2.2-609, state agencies shall furnish or otherwise makeavailable publications or publication information designated by The Libraryof Virginia in the administration of the State Publications DepositoryProgram.
C. Upon request, local and regional agencies shall provide to The Library ofVirginia, free of charge, copies of specifically requested publications. Thenumber of copies required for each requested printed publication shall notexceed two copies.
(2006, c. 59.)