42.1-77 - Definitions.
§ 42.1-77. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
"Agency" means all boards, commissions, departments, divisions,institutions, authorities, or parts thereof, of the Commonwealth or itspolitical subdivisions and includes the offices of constitutional officers.
"Archival quality" means a quality of reproduction consistent withestablished standards specified by state and national agencies andorganizations responsible for establishing such standards, such as theAssociation for Information and Image Management, the American NationalStandards Institute, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
"Archival record" means a public record of continuing and enduring valueuseful to the citizens of the Commonwealth and necessary to theadministrative functions of public agencies in the conduct of services andactivities mandated by law that is identified on a Library of Virginiaapproved records retention and disposition schedule as having sufficientinformational value to be permanently maintained by the Commonwealth.
"Archives" means the program administered by The Library of Virginia forthe preservation of archival records.
"Board" means the State Library Board.
"Conversion" means the act of moving electronic records to a differentformat, especially data from an obsolete format to a current format.
"Custodian" means the public official in charge of an office having publicrecords.
"Disaster plan" means the information maintained by an agency that outlinesrecovery techniques and methods to be followed in case of an emergency thatimpacts the agency's records.
"Electronic record" means a public record whose creation, storage, andaccess require the use of an automated system or device. Ownership of thehardware, software, or media used to create, store, or access the electronicrecord has no bearing on a determination of whether such record is a publicrecord.
"Essential public record" means records that are required for recovery andreconstruction of any agency to enable it to resume its core operations andfunctions and to protect the rights and interests of persons.
"Librarian of Virginia" means the State Librarian of Virginia or hisdesignated representative.
"Lifecycle" means the creation, use, maintenance, and disposition of apublic record.
"Metadata" means data describing the context, content, and structure ofrecords and their management through time.
"Migration" means the act of moving electronic records from one informationsystem or medium to another to ensure continued access to the records whilemaintaining the records' authenticity, integrity, reliability, and usability.
"Original record" means the first generation of the information and is thepreferred version of a record. Archival records should to the maximum extentpossible be original records.
"Preservation" means the processes and operations involved in ensuring thetechnical and intellectual survival of authentic records through time.
"Private record" means a record that does not relate to or affect thecarrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official ceremonialduties of a public official, including the correspondence, diaries, journals,or notes that are not prepared for, utilized for, circulated, or communicatedin the course of transacting public business.
"Public official" means all persons holding any office created by theConstitution of Virginia or by any act of the General Assembly, the Governorand all other officers of the executive branch of the state government, andall other officers, heads, presidents or chairmen of boards, commissions,departments, and agencies of the state government or its politicalsubdivisions.
"Public record" or "record" means recorded information that documents atransaction or activity by or with any public officer, agency or employee ofan agency. Regardless of physical form or characteristic, the recordedinformation is a public record if it is produced, collected, received orretained in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of publicbusiness. The medium upon which such information is recorded has no bearingon the determination of whether the recording is a public record.
For purposes of this chapter, "public record" shall not include nonrecordmaterials, meaning materials made or acquired and preserved solely forreference use or exhibition purposes, extra copies of documents preservedonly for convenience or reference, and stocks of publications.
"Records retention and disposition schedule" means a Library ofVirginia-approved timetable stating the required retention period anddisposition action of a records series. The administrative, fiscal,historical, and legal value of a public record shall be considered inappraising its appropriate retention schedule. The terms "administrative,""fiscal," "historical," and "legal" value shall be defined as:
1. "Administrative value": Records shall be deemed of administrative valueif they have continuing utility in the operation of an agency.
2. "Fiscal value": Records shall be deemed of fiscal value if they areneeded to document and verify financial authorizations, obligations, andtransactions.
3. "Historical value": Records shall be deemed of historical value if theycontain unique information, regardless of age, that provides understanding ofsome aspect of the government and promotes the development of an informed andenlightened citizenry.
4. "Legal value": Records shall be deemed of legal value if they documentactions taken in the protection and proving of legal or civil rights andobligations of individuals and agencies.
(1976, c. 746; 1977, c. 501; 1981, c. 637; 1987, c. 217; 1990, c. 778; 1994,cc. 390, 955; 1998, cc. 427, 470; 2005, c. 787; 2006, c. 60.)