42.1-65 - Local law libraries in charge of circuit court clerks; computer research services; expenses.
§ 42.1-65. Local law libraries in charge of circuit court clerks; computerresearch services; expenses.
A. If the members of the bar practicing in any county or city of theCommonwealth shall procure by voluntary contribution a law library of thevalue of $500, at the least, for the use of the courts held in such county orcity, and of the bar practicing therein, it shall be the duty of the circuitcourt of such county or city to require its clerk to take charge of thelibrary so contributed and to keep the same in the courthouse or clerk'soffice building according to the rules prescribed by the bar and approved bythe court. In addition, all or a portion of such law library may be housed inthe local public library with the approval of and subject to the managementand control of the local public library.
B. If the members of the bars practicing in two or more adjoining counties orcities of the Commonwealth shall jointly procure by voluntary contribution alaw library of the value of $500, at the least, for the joint use of thecourts held in such counties and cities, and of the bars practicing therein,it shall be the joint duty of the circuit courts of such counties and citiesto require one of its clerks to take charge of the library so contributed andto keep the same in the most convenient courthouse or clerk's office buildingaccording to the rules jointly prescribed by the bars and jointly approved bythe courts.
C. Such local and regional law libraries may purchase or lease computerterminals for the purpose of retrieving available legal reference data, andif so, the library rules shall provide for the assessment and collection offees, which may include use of a flat rate or fee structure, for the use ofcomputer research services other than for official use of the courts,attorneys for the Commonwealth and public defenders, and their assistants,and counties and cities serviced by such libraries, which fees shall besufficient to cover the expenses of such services. Such libraries, pursuantto rules of the Supreme Court and at costs to such libraries, may have accessto computer research services of the State Law Library.
(Code 1950, § 42-18; 1962, c. 515; 1970, c. 606; 1977, c. 397; 1989, c. 704;2009, c. 617.)