42.1-48 - Grants to improve standards.
§ 42.1-48. Grants to improve standards.
In order to encourage the maintenance and development of proper standards,including personnel standards, and the combination of libraries or librarysystems into larger and more economical units of service, grants of state aidfrom funds available shall be made by the Board to any free public library orlibrary system which qualifies under the standards set by the Board. Thegrants to each qualifying library or system in each fiscal year shall be asfollows:
(a) Forty cents of state aid for every dollar expended, or to be expended,exclusive of state and federal aid, by the political subdivision orsubdivisions operating or participating in the library or system. The grantto any county or city shall not exceed $250,000;
(b) A per capita grant based on the population of the area served and thenumber of participating counties or cities: Thirty cents per capita for thefirst 600,000 persons to a library or system serving one city or county, andan additional ten cents per capita for the first 600,000 persons for eachadditional city or county served. Libraries or systems serving a populationin excess of 600,000 shall receive ten cents per capita for the excess; and
(c) A grant of ten dollars per square mile of area served to every library orlibrary system, and an additional grant of twenty dollars per square mile ofarea served to every library system serving more than one city or county.
The Board may establish procedures for the review and timely adjustment ofsuch grants when the political subdivision or subdivisions operating suchlibrary or library system are affected by annexation.
(Code 1950, § 42-26; 1952, c. 494; 1958, c. 513; 1960, c. 234; 1970, c. 606;1978, c. 565; 1989, c. 85; 1990, c. 48.)