42.1-34 - Power of local governments to contract for library service.
§ 42.1-34. Power of local governments to contract for library service.
Any city, town or county shall have the power to enter into contracts withadjacent cities, counties, towns, or state-supported institutions of higherlearning to receive or to provide library service on such terms andconditions as shall be mutually acceptable, or they may contract for alibrary service with a library not owned by a public corporation butmaintained for free public use. The board of trustees of a free publiclibrary may enter into contracts with county, city or town school boards andboards of school trustees to provide library service for schools. Any city orcounty governing body contracting for library service shall, as a part ofsuch contract, have the power to appoint at least one member to the board oftrustees or other governing body of the library contracting to provide suchservice. Any city or county thus contracting for library service shall beentitled to the rights and benefits of regional free library systemsestablished in accordance with the provisions of § 42.1-37. The board oftrustees or other governing body of any library established under theprovisions of § 42.1-33 may also, with the approval of and on termssatisfactory to the State Library Board, extend its services to persons inadjacent areas of other states.
(1970, c. 606.)