40.1-93 - Proof required for employment certificate.
§ 40.1-93. Proof required for employment certificate.
The person authorized to issue an employment certificate shall not issue suchcertificate until he has received, examined, approved and filed the followingpapers:
1. Except for work coming within one of the exceptions in § 40.1-79.01, astatement signed by the prospective employer, or someone duly authorized onhis behalf, stating that he expects to give such child present employment,setting forth the specific nature of the occupation in which he intends toemploy such child, and the number of hours per day and of days per week whichsaid child shall be employed and of the period for lunch.
2. Proof of age as provided in § 40.1-94.
(Code 1950, § 40-102; 1960, c. 434; 1970, c. 321; 1972, c. 480; 1991, c. 511.)