40.1-92 - Issuance of certificates.
§ 40.1-92. Issuance of certificates.
Employment certificates shall be issued only by the division superintendentof schools, or by any person designated by him and only upon application inperson of the child desiring employment, accompanied by the parent, guardianor custodian of such child. In lieu of a personal appearance, such parent,guardian, or custodian may submit a notarized statement granting permissionfor the employment of the child. The division superintendent of schoolsshall designate one person to grant such permits in every city or county. Theperson issuing such certificate shall have authority to administer the oathprovided for therein, or to make any investigation or examination necessaryfor the issuance thereof. No fee shall be charged for issuing any suchcertificate nor for administering any oath or rendering any services inrespect thereto. The officer issuing the certificate shall retain a copy ofeach such certificate and all documents connected therewith shall be mailedto the Commissioner by the end of the week in which the same shall have beenissued for review and approval. The Commissioner shall file and preserve suchcertificates and documents.
(Code 1950, § 40-101; 1960, c. 434; 1970, c. 321; 1979, c. 219; 1991, c. 511.)