40.1-66 - Conduct causing violation of article illegal; peaceful solicitation to join union.
§ 40.1-66. Conduct causing violation of article illegal; peacefulsolicitation to join union.
Any person, firm, association, corporation, or labor union or organizationengaged in lockouts, layoffs, boycotts, picketing, work stoppages or otherconduct, a purpose of which is to cause, force, persuade or induce any otherperson, firm, association, corporation or labor union or organization toviolate any provision of this article shall be guilty of illegal conductcontrary to public policy; provided that nothing herein contained shall beconstrued to prevent or make illegal the peaceful and orderly solicitationand persuasion by union members of others to join a union, unaccompanied byany intimidation, use of force, threat of use of force, reprisal or threat ofreprisal, and provided that no such solicitation or persuasion shall beconducted so as to interfere with, or interrupt the work of any employeeduring working hours.
(Code 1950, § 40-74.2; 1954, c. 431; 1970, c. 321.)