40.1-51.25 - Safety and Health Codes Board to formulate rules, regulations, etc.
§ 40.1-51.25. Safety and Health Codes Board to formulate rules, regulations,etc.
A. The Board is authorized to formulate definitions, rules, regulations andstandards which shall be designed to ensure the proper demolition andrenovation of asbestos facilities and effect compliance with the asbestosNESHAP requirements of the federal Environmental Protection Agency. Suchstandards shall be at least as stringent as the asbestos regulations passedpursuant to § 112 of the Clean Air Act. The regulations shall not promote orencourage any substantial degradation of present air quality in any air basinor region which has an air quality superior to that stipulated in theregulations of the Department of Air Pollution Control. Any regulationsadopted by the Board to have general effect in part or all of theCommonwealth shall be filed in accordance with the Virginia Register Act (§2.2-4100 et seq.).
B. The Board in making regulations and in approving variances, and the courtsin granting injunctive relief under the provisions of this chapter, shallconsider facts and circumstances relevant to the reasonableness of theactivity involved and the regulations proposed to control it, including:
1. The character and degree of injury to, or interference with, safety,health, or the reasonable use of property which is caused or threatened to becaused;
2. The social and economic value of the activity involved;
3. The suitability of the activity to the area in which it is located; and
4. The scientific and economic practicality of reducing or eliminating thedischarge resulting from such activity.
(1992, c. 541.)