4.1-511 - Increase of prices.
§ 4.1-511. Increase of prices.
No brewery or beer importer shall increase the prices charged any wholesalebeer licensee for beer except by written notice to the wholesaler signed byan authorized officer or agent of the brewery or beer importer, which noticeshall contain the amount and effective date of the increase. A copy of thenotice shall be sent to the Board and shall be treated as confidentialinformation, except in relation to enforcement proceedings for violation ofthis section. No increase shall take effect prior to thirty calendar daysfollowing the date on which the notice is postmarked. The Board mayauthorize such price increases to take effect with less than the aforesaidthirty-calendar-day notice if a brewery or beer importer so requests anddemonstrates good cause therefor.
(1982, c. 122, § 4-118.12:1; 1993, c. 866.)