4.1-503 - Sales territory.
§ 4.1-503. Sales territory.
Each brewery which enters into an agreement with a beer wholesaler shalldesignate a sales territory for that wholesaler which is applicable to theagreement. No brewery shall enter into any agreement with more than one beerwholesaler for the purpose of establishing more than one agreement for itsbrands of beer in any territory. However, the existence of more than onesuch agreement as a result of a sale of a brewery as contemplated by §4.1-504 shall not be prohibited. Each brewery shall notify the Board inwriting of all designations of sales territories, the identity of thewholesaler appointed to serve such territory and a statement of anyvariations which exist in such designated territory with regard to aparticular brand. Redesignations shall be reported to the Board withinthirty days.
(1978, c. 579, § 4-118.6; 1985, c. 536; 1993, c. 866.)