4.1-352 - Certificate of forensic scientist as evidence; requiring forensic scientist to appear.
§ 4.1-352. Certificate of forensic scientist as evidence; requiring forensicscientist to appear.
The certificate of any forensic scientist employed by the Commonwealth onbehalf of the Board or the Department of Forensic Science, when signed byhim, shall be evidence in all prosecutions for violations of this title andall controversies in any judicial proceedings touching the mixture analyzedby him. On motion of the accused or any party in interest, the court mayrequire the forensic scientist making the analysis to appear as a witness andbe subject to cross-examination, provided such motion is made within areasonable time prior to the day on which the case is set for trial.
(Code 1950, § 4-90; 1972, c. 741; 1981, c. 410; 1993, c. 866; 2003, c. 130;2005, cc. 868, 881.)