4.1-344 - Sale of forfeited property.
§ 4.1-344. Sale of forfeited property.
If no valid lien is established against property seized in accordance with §4.1-339, and, upon the trial of the information, it is determined that theowner thereof was himself using the property at the time of the seizure, andthat the illegal use was with his knowledge or consent, the property shall becompletely forfeited to the Commonwealth, and an order shall be made for thesale of such property by the sheriff of the county or city, in the mannerprescribed by law. Out of the proceeds of such sale shall be paid the costsof the proceedings, and the residue shall be paid into the Literary Fund.Failure to maintain on a conveyance or vehicle a permit or other indicia ofpermission issued by the Board authorizing the transportation of alcoholicbeverages within, into or through the Commonwealth when other Boardregulations have been complied with shall not be cause for the forfeiture ofsuch conveyance or vehicle.
(Code 1950, § 4-56; 1954, c. 504; 1968, c. 763; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 155;1973, c. 16; 1978, cc. 434, 436; 1981, c. 365; 1983, c. 271; 1984, c. 52;1993, c. 866.)