4.1-306 - Purchasing alcoholic beverages for one to whom they may not be sold; penalty; forfeiture.
§ 4.1-306. Purchasing alcoholic beverages for one to whom they may not besold; penalty; forfeiture.
A. Any person who purchases alcoholic beverages for another person, and atthe time of such purchase knows or has reason to believe that the person forwhom the alcoholic beverage was purchased was (i) interdicted, or (ii)intoxicated, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
A1. Any person who purchases for, or otherwise gives, provides, or assists inthe provision of alcoholic beverages to another person, knowing that suchperson was less than 21 years of age, except (i) pursuant to subdivisions 1through 7 of § 4.1-200; (ii) where possession of the alcoholic beverages by aperson less than 21 years of age is due to such person's making a delivery ofalcoholic beverages in pursuance of his employment or an order of his parent;or (iii) by any state, federal, or local law-enforcement officer whenpossession of an alcoholic beverage is necessary in the performance of hisduties, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
B. In addition to any other penalty authorized by law, any person foundguilty of a violation of this section shall have his license to operate amotor vehicle suspended for a period of not more than one year. The court, inits discretion, may authorize any person convicted of a violation of thissection the use of a restricted permit to operate a motor vehicle inaccordance with the provisions of subsection D of § 16.1-278.9 or subsectionE of § 18.2-271.1.
C. Any alcoholic beverages purchased in violation of this section shall bedeemed contraband and forfeited to the Commonwealth in accordance with §4.1-338.
(Code 1950, § 4-73; 1970, c. 686; 1993, c. 866; 2005, cc. 895, 898; 2006, c.87.)