38.2-4810 - Issuance and delivery of surplus lines policies; prior authority or information required.
§ 38.2-4810. Issuance and delivery of surplus lines policies; prior authorityor information required.
Each policy or other written evidence of insurance procured pursuant to thischapter shall be delivered promptly to the Insured. No surplus lines brokershall issue or deliver any policy or other written evidence of insurance orrepresent that insurance will be or has been granted by an unlicensed insurerunless (i) he has prior written authority from such insurer for theinsurance, (ii) he has received information from the insurer in the regularcourse of business that the insurance has been granted, or (iii) an insurancepolicy providing the insurance actually has been issued by the insurer anddelivered to the Insured.
(Code 1950, § 38.1-314.10; 1960, c. 503; 1979, c. 513, § 38.1-327.55; 1984,c. 719; 1986, c. 562.)