38.2-4400 - Definitions.
§ 38.2-4400. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
"Contract holder" means a person entering into a subscription contractwith an organization;
"Fee discount" means predetermined amounts or reduced rates which are notsubstantially below the usual charge by the same attorney for those services,but not less than 70 percent of the rate usually charged non-participants forthe same service, except for simple wills, simple name changes, preparationof non-complex legal documents, legal letters and calls, which may be lessthan 70 percent of the rate usually charged non-participants;
"Legal services organization" or "organization" means a person subject toregulation and licensing under this chapter who operates, conducts oradministers a legal services plan;
"Legal services plan" or "plan" means a contractual obligation or anarrangement, whereby legal services are provided in consideration of aspecified payment consisting in whole or in part of prepaid or periodiccharges, regardless of whether the payment is made by the subscribersindividually or by a third person for them;
"Licensed attorney" means an attorney licensed by the Virginia Board of BarExaminers or other state licensing authority;
"Participating provider" or "participating providers" means a licensedattorney, group of attorneys or any other person who has agreed through anorganization to provide legal services to subscribers enrolled in a legalservices plan;
"Simple matters" or "simple legal matters" means legal matters that canbe reasonably handled over the telephone, or with one or two office visits,or by a limited review of routine legal documents, and without legalrepresentation to third parties;
"Subscriber" means any person entitled to benefits under the terms andconditions of a subscription contract;
"Subscription contract" means a written contract which is issued to asubscriber by an organization and which provides legal services or benefitsfor legal services.
(1978, c. 658, § 38.1-791; 1986, c. 562; 1994, c. 224.)