38.2-2211 - Motor vehicle liability insurer not to receive credit for other medical expense insurance.
§ 38.2-2211. Motor vehicle liability insurer not to receive credit for othermedical expense insurance.
No policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurancethat contains any representation by an insurer to pay all reasonable medicalexpenses incurred for bodily injury caused by accident to the insured,relative or any other person coming within the provisions of the policy,shall be issued or delivered by any insurer licensed in this Commonwealthupon any motor vehicle then principally garaged or principally used in thisCommonwealth, if the policy provides for credit against the medical expensecoverage for any other medical expense insurance to which the injured personmay be entitled. Nothing in this section allows the injured person to collectmore than his actual medical expenses as a result of an accident from any oneor any combination of all policies providing motor vehicle medical paymentcoverage applicable to the accident.
(1968, c. 759, § 38.1-381.4; 1986, c. 562.)