38.2-1870 - Waiver of continuing education requirements.

§ 38.2-1870. Waiver of continuing education requirements.

The requirements of this article pertaining to the number of course creditsrequired may be waived, in whole or in part, by the Board for good causeshown. As used herein, "good cause" includes long-term illness orincapacity and such other emergency situations as may be determined by theBoard as preventing the agent from satisfying the continuing education credithours required by this article. Requests for waivers of continuing educationrequirements shall be made in a form and manner prescribed by the Board.Requests for waiver of all course credit requirements shall be submitted tothe Board or its administrator no later than ninety calendar days prior tothe end of the biennium for which such waiver is requested. In the event thatthe long-term illness, incapacity, or such other emergency situationreferenced above manifests itself within 120 calendar days prior to the endof the biennium, requests for waivers of some but not all of the coursecredit requirements shall be submitted to the Board or its administrator nolater than the applicable submission deadline set forth in § 38.2-1868.1. TheBoard shall approve or disapprove the waiver request within thirty calendardays of receipt thereof, and shall provide written notice of its decision tothe applicant for waiver within five calendar days of rendering its decision.Any waiver granted pursuant to this section shall be valid only for thebiennium for which waiver application was made.

(1992, c. 570; 1996, c. 159; 2000, c. 522; 2001, c. 706.)