37.2-828 - Receiving and maintaining federal prisoners in state facilities.
§ 37.2-828. Receiving and maintaining federal prisoners in state facilities.
The Commissioner is authorized to enter into a contract with the UnitedStates, through the Director of the United States Bureau of Prisons or otherauthorized agent of the United States, for the reception, maintenance, care,and observation in state facilities, or in those designated by theCommissioner for the purpose, of any persons charged with a crime in thecourts of the United States sitting in Virginia and committed by the courtsto the state facilities for those purposes. All persons so admitted shallremain subject to the jurisdiction of the court by whom they were committed,and they may be returned to that court at any time for hearing or trial.
Any such contract shall require that the United States remit to the StateTreasurer for each prisoner admitted specified per diem or other payments, orboth, with such payments fixed by the contract.
The director of any state facility to which a prisoner of the United Statesis admitted shall observe the person and, as soon as possible, report inwriting to the court by which he is certified or committed as to his mentalcondition or other matters as the court may direct.
No contract made pursuant to this section shall obligate the Commonwealth orthe Commissioner to receive a federal prisoner into any state facility inwhich all available beds are needed for persons otherwise admitted, or in anyother case where, in the opinion of the director, the admission of theprisoner would interfere with the care and treatment of other personsadmitted or with the proper administration of the state facility.
(Code 1950, § 37-98; 1950, p. 913; 1968, c. 477, § 37.1-95; 1972, c. 639;1980, c. 582; 2005, c. 716.)