37.2-805 - Voluntary admission.

§ 37.2-805. Voluntary admission.

Any state facility shall admit any person requesting admission who has been(i) screened by the community services board or behavioral health authoritythat serves the city or county where the person resides or, if impractical,where the person is located, (ii) examined by a physician on the staff of thestate facility, and (iii) deemed by the board or authority and the statefacility physician to be in need of treatment, training, or habilitation in astate facility.

(Code 1950, § 37-113; 1950, p. 915; 1964, c. 640; 1968, c. 477, § 37.1-65;1970, c. 46; 1972, cc. 639, 823; 1976, c. 671; 1980, c. 582; 1998, c. 446;2005, c. 716.)