37.2-720 - When collection of expenses not required.
§ 37.2-720. When collection of expenses not required.
This article shall not be held or construed to require the Department tocollect the expenses of the care, treatment or training, and maintenance ofany indigent consumer from that person or from any person liable for him wheninvestigation discloses that the indigent consumer or person liable for hissupport is without financial means or that such payment would work a hardshipon the person or his family. Neither shall it be the duty or obligation ofthe Department to institute any proceedings provided for in this article toeffect collection where investigation discloses that proceedings would bewithout effect or would work a hardship on the consumer or the person liablefor his support.
(Code 1950, § 37-125.13; 1968, c. 477, § 37.1-116; 2005, c. 716.)