37.2-714 - Children born in state facilities.
§ 37.2-714. Children born in state facilities.
Any child born in a state facility shall be deemed a resident of the countyor city in which the mother resided at the time of her admission. The childshall be removed from the state facility as soon after birth as the healthand well-being of the child permit and shall be delivered to his father orother member of his family. If he is unable to effect the child's removal asherein provided, the director of the state facility shall cause the filing ofa petition in the juvenile and domestic relations district court of thecounty or city in which the child is present, requesting adjudication of thecare and custody of the child under the provisions of § 16.1-278.3. If themother has been a consumer in a state facility continuously for 10 months,the Department of Social Services shall have financial responsibility for thecare of the child, and the custody of the child shall be determined inaccordance with the provisions of § 16.1-278.3. The judge of such court shalltake appropriate action to effect prompt removal of the child from the statefacility.
(Code 1950, § 37-96; 1950, p. 912; 1958, c. 386; 1964, c. 299; 1968, c. 477,§ 37.1-97; 1972, c. 639; 1974, cc. 44, 45; 1976, c. 671; 1980, c. 582; 1991,c. 534; 2005, c. 716.)