37.2-711 - Exchange of information.
§ 37.2-711. Exchange of information.
The Department and state facilities may exchange consumer-specificinformation for former and current consumers with community services boardsor behavioral health authorities to monitor the delivery, outcome, andeffectiveness of services; however, no publicly available report orinformation produced or generated by them shall reveal the identity of anyconsumer. Publicly available information shall be designed to prevent personsfrom being able to gain access to combinations of consumer characteristicdata elements that reasonably could be expected to reveal the identity of anyconsumer. In order to collect unduplicated information, the Department,subject to all regulations adopted by the Board or by agencies of the UnitedStates government that govern confidentiality of patient information, mayrequire that the individuals receiving services disclose or furnish theirsocial security numbers.
(1985, c. 87, § 37.1-98.2; 1999, c. 764; 2005, c. 716.)