37.2-706 - Disposal of unclaimed personal property of certain consumers in state facilities.
§ 37.2-706. Disposal of unclaimed personal property of certain consumers instate facilities.
If any consumer in a state facility dies, is released, is discharged, orescapes and leaves any article of personal property, including bonds, money,and any intangible assets, in the custody of a state facility, the directorof the state facility may, after notification in person, by telephone, or byregistered mail to the consumer, known next-of-kin, or personalrepresentative of the consumer and after the lapse of three years from thedate of the death, release, discharge, or escape, if no claim has been made:
1. Sell the personal property at public or private sale and deposit the netproceeds in the welfare fund of the state facility;
2. Retain and issue for use of current consumers articles of clothingsuitable for continued use; or
3. Order destruction or other disposal of personal care articles, articles ofclothing, and other belongings that are not suitable by reason of theirnature or condition for sale or use by others, including personal and privatepapers, writings, drawings, or photographs that would compromise the privacyor confidentiality of any person who may be the author, creator, or subjectof them.
(Code 1950, § 37-230.1; 1960, c. 387; 1968, c. 477, § 37.1-33; 1972, c. 639;1976, c. 671; 1996, cc. 196, 853; 2005, c. 716.)