37.2-310 - Powers and duties of Department related to substance abuse.
§ 37.2-310. Powers and duties of Department related to substance abuse.
The Department shall have the following powers and duties related tosubstance abuse:
1. To act as the sole state agency for the planning, coordination, andevaluation of the comprehensive interagency state plan for substance abuseservices.
2. To provide staff assistance to the Substance Abuse Services Councilpursuant to § 2.2-2696.
3. To (i) develop, implement, and promote, in cooperation with federal,state, local, and other publicly-funded agencies, a comprehensive interagencystate plan for substance abuse services, consistent with federal guidelinesand regulations, for the long-range development of adequate and coordinatedprograms, services, and facilities for the research, prevention, and controlof substance abuse and the treatment and rehabilitation of persons withsubstance abuse; (ii) review the plan annually; and (iii) make revisions inthe plan that are necessary or desirable.
4. To report biennially to the General Assembly on the comprehensiveinteragency state plan for substance abuse services and the Department'sactivities in administering, planning, and regulating substance abuseservices and specifically on the extent to which the Department's duties asspecified in this title have been performed.
5. To develop, in cooperation with the Department of Corrections, VirginiaParole Board, Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of Criminal JusticeServices, Commission on the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program, Office ofthe Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Department ofEducation, Department of Health, Department of Social Services, and otherappropriate agencies, a section of the comprehensive interagency state planfor substance abuse services that addresses the need for treatment programsfor persons with substance abuse who are involved with these agencies.
6. To specify uniform methods for keeping statistical information forinclusion in the comprehensive interagency state plan for substance abuseservices.
7. To provide technical assistance and consultation services to state andlocal agencies in planning, developing, and implementing services for personswith substance abuse.
8. To review and comment on all applications for state or federal funds orservices to be used in substance abuse programs in accordance with § 37.2-311and on all requests by state agencies for appropriations from the GeneralAssembly for use in substance abuse programs.
9. To recommend to the Governor and the General Assembly legislationnecessary to implement programs, services, and facilities for the preventionand control of substance abuse and the treatment and rehabilitation ofpersons with substance abuse.
10. To organize and foster training programs for all persons engaged in thetreatment of substance abuse.
11. To identify, coordinate, mobilize, and use the research and publicservice resources of institutions of higher education, all levels ofgovernment, business, industry, and the community at large in theunderstanding and solution of problems relating to substance abuse.
12. To inspect substance abuse treatment programs at reasonable times and ina reasonable manner.
13. To maintain a current list of substance abuse treatment programs, whichshall be made available upon request.
(1976, cc. 739, 767, §§ 37.1-205, 37.1-205.1, 37.1-219; 1977, c. 18; 1980, c.582; 1988, c. 212, § 37.1-205.1; 1998, c. 724; 2005, c. 716.)