36-96.9 - Procedures for receipt or initiation of complaint; notice to parties; filing of answer.

§ 36-96.9. Procedures for receipt or initiation of complaint; notice toparties; filing of answer.

A. A complaint under § 36-96.8 shall be filed with the Board in writingwithin one year after the alleged discriminatory housing practice occurred orterminated.

B. Any person not named in the complaint and who is identified as arespondent in the course of the investigation may be joined as an additionalor substitute respondent upon written notice to such person by the Boardexplaining the basis for the Board's belief that such person is properlyjoined as a respondent.

C. Any respondent may file an answer to a complaint. Complaints and answersmust be made in writing, under oath or affirmation, and in such form as theBoard requires. Complaints and answers may be reasonably and fairly amendedat any time.

D. Upon the filing of a complaint or initiation of a complaint by the Boardor its designee, the Board shall provide written notice to the parties asfollows:

1. To the aggrieved person acknowledging the filing and advising such personof the time limits and choice of forums under this chapter; and

2. To the respondent, not later than ten days after such filing or theidentification of an additional respondent under subsection B, identifyingthe alleged discriminatory housing practice and advising such respondent ofthe procedural rights and obligations of respondents under this chapter witha copy of the original complaint and copies of any supporting documentationreferenced in the complaint.

(1991, c. 557.)