36-85.20 - Grounds for denying, suspending or revoking license.
§ 36-85.20. Grounds for denying, suspending or revoking license.
A. A license may be denied, suspended, or revoked by the Board on any one ormore of the following grounds:
1. Material misstatement in application for license;
2. Failure to pay required assessment to the Manufactured Housing RecoveryFund;
3. Engaging in the business of a manufactured home manufacturer, dealer,broker, or salesperson without first obtaining a license from the Board;
4. Failure to comply with the warranty service obligations and claimsprocedure established by this chapter;
5. Failure to comply with the set-up and tie-down requirements of the Code;
6. Having knowingly failed or refused to account for or to pay over moneys orother valuables belonging to others which have come into the regulant'spossession arising from the sale of manufactured homes;
7. Use of unfair methods of competition or unfair or deceptive commercialacts or practices;
8. Failure to appear before the Board upon due notice or to follow directivesof the Board issued pursuant to this chapter;
9. Employing unlicensed retail salespersons;
10. Knowingly offering for sale the products of manufacturers who are notlicensed pursuant to this chapter or selling to dealers not licensed pursuantto this chapter manufactured homes which are to be sold in the Commonwealthto buyers as defined in this chapter;
11. Having had a license revoked, suspended, or denied by the Board underthis chapter; or having had a license revoked, suspended or denied by asimilar entity in another state; or engaging in conduct in another statewhich conduct, if committed in this Commonwealth, would have been a violationunder this chapter;
12. Defrauding any buyer, to the buyer's damage, or any other person in theconduct of the regulant's business; or
13. Failure to comply with any provisions of this chapter.
B. The Board may revoke or deny renewal of an existing license or refuse toissue a license to any manufactured home broker, dealer, manufacturer orsalesperson who is shown to have a substantial identity of interest with amanufactured home broker, dealer, or manufacturer whose license has beenrevoked or not renewed by the Board.
C. Any person whose license is revoked or not renewed by the Board shall notbe eligible for a license under any circumstances or under any name, exceptas provided by regulations of the Board pursuant to § 36-85.18.
(1991, c. 555; 1992, c. 223; 2008, c. 350.)