36-49 - Adoption of Redevelopment Plans.
§ 36-49. Adoption of Redevelopment Plans.
A. An authority may adopt a redevelopment plan for a designated redevelopmentarea to address blighted areas and in particular is specifically empowered tocarry out any work or undertaking in the redevelopment area, including any orall of the following:
1. Acquire blighted areas, which are hereby defined in § 36-3;
2. Acquire other real property for the purpose of removing, preventing, orreducing blight;
3. Acquire real property where the condition of the title, the diverseownership of the real property to be assembled, the street or lot layouts, orother conditions prevent a proper development of the property and where theacquisition of the area by the authority is necessary to carry out aredevelopment plan;
4. Permit the preservation, repair, or restoration of buildings of historicinterest; and to clear any areas acquired and install, construct, orreconstruct streets, utilities, and site improvements essential to thepreparation of sites for uses in accordance with the redevelopment plan;
5. Provide for the conservation of portions of the project area and therehabilitation to project standards as stated in the redevelopment plan ofbuildings within the project area, where such rehabilitation is deemed by theauthority to be feasible and consistent with project objectives;
6. Make land so acquired available to nongovernmental persons or entities orpublic agencies (including sale, leasing, or retention by the authorityitself) in accordance with the redevelopment plan;
7. Assist the reconstruction of project areas by making loans or grants offunds received from any public or private source, for the purpose offacilitating the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or sale ofhousing or other improvements constructed or to be constructed on landsituated within the boundaries of a redevelopment project;
8. Acquire, construct or rehabilitate residential housing developments foroccupancy by persons of low, moderate and middle income to be owned,operated, managed, leased, conveyed, mortgaged, encumbered or assigned by anauthority. Income limits for such persons shall be determined for eachredevelopment project by an authority by resolution adopted by a majority ofits appointed commissioners, shall be adjusted for household size and may berevised as an authority deems appropriate. In connection with a residentialhousing development, an authority shall have all rights, powers andprivileges granted by subdivision 4 of § 36-19;
9. Accomplish any combination of the foregoing to carry out a redevelopmentplan; and
10. Exercise such other powers as are authorized by law.
B. No redevelopment plan shall be effective until notice has been sent to theproperty owner or owners of record in accordance with subsection B of § 36-27and the redevelopment plan has been approved by the local governing body.
(1946, p. 278; Michie Suppl. 1946, § 3145(8b); 1962, c. 336; 1972, cc. 466,782; 1980, c. 133; 1988, cc. 572, 591; 2006, c. 784.)