36-47.2 - Consolidation of two or more housing authorities within same city.
§ 36-47.2. Consolidation of two or more housing authorities within same city.
If the governing body of any city having two or more separate housingauthorities created pursuant to this title shall, by resolution, declare itnecessary and in the public interest to consolidate such authorities, orabolish the same and create a single or consolidated housing authority, thensuch new housing authority shall thereupon be created (with such corporatename as may be selected), and it shall exercise its public and corporatepowers, and such other functions within such city pursuant to the provisionsof this chapter, including the power to undertake projects applicable tohousing authorities created for cities or counties. The governing body of anysuch city shall have the authority to terminate any one or more of suchauthorities and continue any other single authority, as a consolidatedauthority in which case any terminated authority shall cease to exist exceptfor the purpose of winding up its affairs and executing the necessarydocuments for the transfer of its respective assets and liabilities, if any,to the new consolidated or surviving authority. If a new or consolidatedauthority is created, its membership shall be composed of sevencommissioners, five of whom shall be the commissioners presently servingunder existing law under any authority created within such city, and two ofwhom shall be commissioners selected from the other authority or theauthority that is terminated. Each such commissioner shall continue to servefor the term for which he was appointed or until his successor has beenappointed and has qualified.
(1972, c. 124.)