33.1-223.2:8 - Highway safety corridor program

§ 33.1-223.2:8. Highway safety corridor program.

The Commissioner shall establish a highway safety corridor program, underwhich a portion of Virginia primary system highways and interstate systemhighways may be designated by the Commissioner as highway safety corridors,to address highway safety problems through law enforcement, education, andsafety enhancements. In consultation with the Department of Motor Vehiclesand the Superintendent of State Police, the Commissioner shall establishcriteria for the designation and evaluation of highway safety corridors, toinclude a review of crash data, accident reports, type and volume of vehicletraffic, and engineering and traffic studies. The Commissioner shall hold apublic hearing prior to the adoption of the criteria to be used fordesignating a highway safety corridor. The Commissioner shall hold a minimumof one public hearing before designating any specific highway corridor as ahighway safety corridor. The public hearing or hearings for a specificcorridor shall be held at least 30 days prior to the designation at alocation as close to the proposed corridor as practical.

The Department shall erect signs that designate highway safety corridors andthe penalties for violations committed within the designated corridors.

(2003, c. 877.)