33.1-221.1:3 - Northern Virginia Transportation District Program
§ 33.1-221.1:3. Northern Virginia Transportation District Program.
A. The General Assembly declares it to be in the public interest that theeconomic development needs and economic growth potential of Northern Virginiabe addressed by a special transportation program to provide for the costs ofproviding an adequate, modern, safe and efficient transportation network inNorthern Virginia which shall be known as the Northern VirginiaTransportation District Program (the Program), including, without limitation,environmental and engineering studies, rights-of-way acquisition,construction, improvements to all modes of transportation, and financingcosts. The Program consists of the following projects: the Fairfax CountyParkway, Route 234 Bypass, Metrorail Capital Improvements attributable toFairfax County including Metro parking expansions, Metro CapitalImprovements, including the Franconia-Springfield Metrorail Station and newrail car purchases, Route 7 improvements in Loudoun County and FairfaxCounty, the Route 50/Courthouse Road interchange improvements in ArlingtonCounty, the Route 28/Route 625 interchange improvements in Loudoun County,Metrorail capital improvements attributable to the City of Alexandriaincluding the King Street Metrorail Station access, Metrorail capitalimprovements attributable to Arlington County, including Ballston Stationimprovements, Route 15 safety improvements in Loudoun County, Route 28parallel roads in Loudoun County, the Route 28/Sterling Boulevard interchangein Loudoun County, Route 1/Route 123 interchange improvements in PrinceWilliam County, Lee Highway improvements in the City of Fairfax, Route 123improvements in Fairfax County, Telegraph Road improvements in FairfaxCounty, Route 123 Occoquan River Bridge, Gallows Road in Fairfax County,Route 1/Route 234 interchange improvements in Prince William County,Potomac-Rappahannock Transportation Commission bus replacement program, andDulles Corridor Enhanced Transit program.
B. Allocations to this Program from the Northern Virginia TransportationDistrict Fund established by § 58.1-815.1 shall be made annually by theCommonwealth Transportation Board for the creation and enhancement of a safe,efficient transportation system connecting the communities, businesses,places of employment, and residences of the Commonwealth, thereby enhancingthe economic development potential, employment opportunities, mobility andquality of life in Virginia.
C. Except in the event that the Northern Virginia Transportation DistrictFund is insufficient to pay for the costs of the Program, allocations to theProgram shall not diminish or replace allocations made from other sources ordiminish allocations to which any district, system, or locality would beentitled under other provisions of this title, but shall be supplemental toother allocations to the end that transportation improvements in the NorthernVirginia Transportation District may be accelerated and augmented.Allocations under this subsection shall be limited to projects specified insubdivision (2) (s) of § 33.1-268.
D. The Commonwealth Transportation Board may expend such funds from allsources as may be lawfully available to initiate the Program and to supportbonds and other obligations referenced in subsection E.
E. The Commonwealth Transportation Board is authorized to receive, dedicateor use first from (i) revenues received from the Northern VirginiaTransportation District Fund; (ii) to the extent required, funds appropriatedand allocated, pursuant to the highway allocation formula as provided by law,to the highway construction district in which the project or projects to befinanced are located or to the city or county in which the project orprojects to be financed are located; (iii) to the extent required, legallyavailable revenues of the Transportation Trust Fund; and (iv) such otherfunds which may be appropriated by the General Assembly for the payment ofbonds or other obligations, including interest thereon, issued in furtheranceof the Program. No such bond or other obligations shall pledge the full faithand credit of the Commonwealth.
(1993, c. 391; 1994, cc. 470, 597; 1998, cc. 740, 761; 1999, c. 538; 2002, c.799; 2003, c. 337; 2005, c. 621.)