33.1-12.1 - Agreements between Commissioner and certain cities and towns.
§ 33.1-12.1. Agreements between Commissioner and certain cities and towns.
Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 33.1-12 and 33.1-23.3, the CommonwealthTransportation Commissioner, pursuant to a resolution adopted by theCommonwealth Transportation Board and following receipt of a resolutionadopted by a city or town council to which funds are apportioned pursuant to§ 33.1-23.3, may enter into an agreement with any such city or town pursuantto which the city or town assumes responsibility for the design, right-of-wayacquisition, and construction of urban system highways or portions thereof insuch city or town, using funds allocated pursuant to subdivision 2 ofsubsection B of § 33.1-23.1.
(2004, c. 623.)