33.1-1 - State Highway and Transportation Board continued as Commonwealth Transportation Board; number and terms of members; removal from office; vacancies.
§ 33.1-1. State Highway and Transportation Board continued as CommonwealthTransportation Board; number and terms of members; removal from office;vacancies.
The State Highway and Transportation Board, formerly known as the StateHighway and Transportation Commission, is continued and shall hereafter beknown as the Commonwealth Transportation Board. Wherever either"Commission" or "Board" is used in this title referring to the StateHighway and Transportation Board or the State Highway and TransportationCommission, it shall mean the Commonwealth Transportation Board.
The Board shall consist of seventeen members: the Secretary ofTransportation, the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner, the Director ofthe Department of Rail and Public Transportation, and fourteen citizenmembers. The citizen members shall be (i) appointed by the Governor asprovided in § 33.1-2, (ii) subject to confirmation by the General Assembly,and (iii) removable from office during their respective terms by the Governorat his pleasure. Appointments of citizen members shall be for terms of fouryears commencing upon July 1, upon the expiration of the terms of theexisting members, respectively. The initial terms of the members appointed inJanuary, 1987, shall commence when appointed and shall be for terms endingJune 30, 1988, June 30, 1989, and June 30, 1990, respectively. Vacanciesshall be filled by appointment by the Governor for the unexpired term andshall be effective until thirty days after the next meeting of the ensuingGeneral Assembly and, if confirmed, thereafter for the remainder of the term.No person shall be eligible to serve more than two successive terms of fouryears, other than the Secretary of Transportation, the CommonwealthTransportation Commissioner, and the Director of the Department of Rail andPublic Transportation. A person heretofore or hereafter appointed to fill avacancy may serve two additional successive terms.
The Secretary of Transportation shall serve as Chairman of the Board. TheSecretary shall have voting privileges only in the event of a tie. TheCommonwealth Transportation Commissioner shall serve as Vice-Chairman of theBoard. The Commissioner shall have voting privileges only in the event of atie when he is presiding during the absence of the Chairman. The Director ofthe Department of Rail and Public Transportation shall serve without a vote.
Whenever in this title and in the Code of Virginia "State HighwayCommission" or "State Highway and Transportation Board" is used, it shallmean "Commonwealth Transportation Board"; "State Highway Commissioner" or"State Highway and Transportation Commissioner" shall mean "CommonwealthTransportation Commissioner"; and all references to "Department of Highwaysand Transportation" shall refer to the Department of Transportation.
(Code 1950, § 33-1; 1956, c. 87; 1970, c. 322; 1974, c. 462; 1984, c. 748;1985, c. 448; 1986, Sp. Sess., c. 13; 1990, cc. 1, 317; 1995, cc. 195, 223;1999, cc. 636, 673.)