Chapter 7.2 - Health Care Data Reporting (32.1-276.2 thru 32.1-276.11)
- 32.1-276.2 - Health care data reporting; purpose.
- 32.1-276.3 - Definitions.
- 32.1-276.4 - Agreements for certain data services.
- 32.1-276.5 - Providers to submit data.
- 32.1-276.5:1 - Disclosures of contractual arrangements to be made publicly available.
- 32.1-276.6 - Patient level data system continued; reporting requirements.
- 32.1-276.7 - Methodology to review and measure the efficiency and productivity of health care providers.
- 32.1-276.8 - Fees for processing, verification, and dissemination of data.
- 32.1-276.9 - Confidentiality, subsequent release of data and relief from liability for reporting; penalty for wrongful disclosure; individual action for damages.
- 32.1-276.10 - Chapter and actions thereunder not to be construed as approval of charges or costs.
- 32.1-276.11 - Violations.