32.1-11.6 - Virginia Pregnant Women Support Fund; purpose; guidelines.
§ 32.1-11.6. Virginia Pregnant Women Support Fund; purpose; guidelines.
A. There is hereby created the Virginia Pregnant Women Support Fund (theFund) as a special nonreverting fund to be administered by the Board ofHealth to support women and families who are facing unplanned pregnancy.
B. The Board of Health shall have authority to solicit and accept gifts,donations, and bequests and to apply for grants on behalf of the Fund fromany source and to deposit all moneys received in the Fund. The Council shallsubmit to the Governor an annual report of all gifts, donations, grants andbequests accepted; the names of the donors; and the respective amountscontributed by each donor.
C. The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller. All moneysreceived from any source pursuant to subsection B shall be paid into thestate treasury and credited to the Fund. Interest earned on moneys in theFund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remaining inthe Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shallnot revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Moneys in theFund shall be used solely for the purposes of carrying out the activitiesenumerated below:
1. Purchasing or upgrading ultrasound equipment;
2. Creating a separate program for domestic violence, dating violence, sexualassault and stalking screening against pregnant women and new mothers;
3. Conducting a public campaign to increase public awareness;
4. Providing support services for students of institutions of highereducation;
5. Providing funds to allow early childhood education programs to work withpregnant or parenting teens to complete high school and provide job trainingeducation; or
6. Providing for teenage or first-time mothers education on the health needsof their infants through free home visits by registered nurses.
D. The Board of Health shall establish an application process and relatedprocedures for community health centers, migrant health centers, homelesshealth centers, and public-housing centers seeking grants from the Fund. Agrant may be made only if an application for the grant is submitted to theBoard of Health and the application is in such a form, is made in such amanner, and contains such agreements, assurances, and information as theBoard determines to be necessary to carry out its functions.
(2007, cc. 780, 822.)