30-58.2 - Supplementary studies and reports.
§ 30-58.2. Supplementary studies and reports.
The Commission shall prepare supplementary studies and reports of the programreviews and evaluations called for in §§ 30-58.1 and 30-67 in the followingmanner:
1. At least once in each biennium and at such other times as the Commissiondeems necessary, a report shall be made to the General Assembly whichincludes: (i) annotations of reports previously issued; (ii) a summary ofsignificant actions taken by executive agencies in response to reports andrecommendations previously issued; and (iii) matters pertaining to the reporttopics that may require additional legislative attention and consideration.
2. From time to time, agencies involved in matters which have been studiedunder the provisions of § 30-58.1 or § 30-67 may be required to communicateto the Commission at a hearing called for such purpose or in writing, thestatus of actions completed or being taken in response to reports andrecommendations previously issued.
3. In the event a report of the Commission cites waste, extravagance,unauthorized activities, or other significant deficiencies which result inthe misuse of public funds, a supplementary report shall be made at such timeas the Commission deems appropriate, which provides the General Assembly: (i)a review of the problem; (ii) recommendations made by the Commission or otherlegislative committee to correct the problem; (iii) actions taken or plannedby the agency to correct the problem; and (iv) such other matters as mayrequire additional legislative attention to correct the problem.
Supplementary reports published by the Commission shall be issued to theGovernor, agencies concerned, and members of the General Assembly.
(1980, c. 239.)