30-313 - (Expires July 1, 2012; For contingent expiration date - See Editor's note) Commission on Civics Education; purpose; membership; terms; meetings; voting.
§ 30-313. (Expires July 1, 2012; For contingent expiration date - SeeEditor's note) Commission on Civics Education; purpose; membership; terms;meetings; voting.
The Commission on Civics Education (the Commission) is established in thelegislative branch of state government. The purposes of the Commission are to(i) educate students on the importance of citizen involvement in arepresentative democracy, (ii) promote the study of state and localgovernment among the Commonwealth's citizenry, and (iii) enhancecommunication and collaboration among organizations in the Commonwealth thatconduct civics education.
The Commission shall have a total membership of 19 members that shall consistof six legislative members, 12 nonlegislative citizen members, and one exofficio member. Members shall be appointed as follows: two members of theSenate, to be appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules; four members of theHouse of Delegates, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegatesin accordance with the principles of proportional representation contained inthe Rules of the House of Delegates; 12 nonlegislative citizen members ofwhom one shall be a representative of Virginia public television, four shallbe current or retired school civics or government teachers, one shall be arepresentative of the Virginia Press Association, one shall be arepresentative of the Commonwealth's We the People: Project Citizen, oneshall be a representative of a public policy center with one of theCommonwealth's public institutions of higher education, one shall be arepresentative of the Virginia Association of Counties, one shall be arepresentative of the Virginia Municipal League, to be appointed by the JointRules Committee; and two shall be nonlegislative citizen members appointed bythe Governor, subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. TheSuperintendent of Public Instruction or his designee shall serve ex officiowith voting privileges. Nonlegislative citizen members of the Commissionshall be citizens of the Commonwealth. The current members appointed by theSenate Committee on Rules shall continue to serve until replaced. The currentmembers appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates shall be subjectto reappointment. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the chairman of theCommission, the Clerk of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Delegates,nonlegislative citizen members shall only be reimbursed for traveloriginating and ending within the Commonwealth for the purpose of attendingmeetings.
Legislative members and ex officio members of the Commission shall serveterms coincident with their terms of office. Nonlegislative members shallserve terms of four years. Appointments to fill vacancies, other than byexpiration of a term, shall be for the unexpired terms. Vacancies shall befilled in the same manner as the original appointments. All members may bereappointed.
The Commission shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman from among itsmembership, who shall be members of the General Assembly.
A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. The meetings of theCommission shall be held at the call of the chairman or whenever the majorityof the members so request.
No recommendation of the Commission shall be adopted if a majority of theSenate members or a majority of the House members appointed to the Commission(i) vote against the recommendation and (ii) vote for the recommendation tofail notwithstanding the majority vote of the Commission.
(2009, c. 859.)