30-276 - (For contingent expiration date - See Editor's note) Powers and duties of the Commission.
§ 30-276. (For contingent expiration date - See Editor's note) Powers andduties of the Commission.
The Commission shall have the power and duty to:
1. Assess the direct and indirect economic impact of the manufacturing sectoron Virginia's economy.
2. Determine the needs of the manufacturing sector and the most efficient,and cost-effective manner in which such needs may be addressed.
3. Consider the effect of local and state tax policies; regulatory compliancecosts; research and development investment, energy, transportation, andworkforce training policies and costs on the manufacturing sector; andrecommend the appropriate role for state and local governments in ensuringthe future of the manufacturing sector in the Commonwealth.
4. Develop a comprehensive energy plan for the Commonwealth, which evaluatesthe Commonwealth's current and future energy supply and demand. In developingthe plan, the Commission shall solicit and analyze suggestions andinformation from the following sectors: utility providers, petroleumcompanies, automobile manufacturers, fuel suppliers, technology companies,environmental organizations, and consumers.
5. Evaluate the effectiveness of state and local economic developmentprograms and incentives on the research and development oftechnology-intensive manufacturing.
6. Consult and coordinate with the Joint Commission on Technology andScience, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, the JointCommission on Administrative Rules, and other legislative commissions,committees, and councils to minimize fragmentation and duplication relativeto the respective powers and duties of such groups.
7. Provide manufacturers and advocates with a forum to address their concerns.
8. Report annually its findings and recommendations to the General Assemblyand the Governor as provided in the procedures of the Division of LegislativeAutomated Systems. The chairman of the Commission shall submit to the GeneralAssembly and the Governor an annual executive summary of the interim activityand work of the Commission no later than the first day of each regularsession of the General Assembly. The executive summary shall be submitted asprovided in the procedures of the Division of Legislative Automated Systemsfor the processing of legislative documents and reports and shall be postedon the General Assembly's website.
(2006, cc. 607, 900.)